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Shamanic Healing Techniques


There is not much that you need to do to prepare for a shamanic healing session, as I will work with what you present with on the day. If you are on medication, are dissociated, in crisis or just having a bad day, I am usually happy to see you.

Often people know why they have booked a session but that isn’t always the case. I will work with what becomes clear is needed, what is most pressing and what has been guided by spirit. Sometimes this can be completely different to what you had intended but you will always have a choice in what we focus on.

The main preparation comes with the booking. Once the date has been agreed and the payment has been received, a kind of magic takes place that is beyond the physical. This is about your soul wanting to dive into healing. It takes strength and commitment to make that happen, something which is matched in spirit by a gift of healing. Once you come to see me, some of the work has usually started. Magic.

What to expect

Every shamanic healing session is tailored to meet your needs at the time, working with what is most pressing and what I am guided by spirit to work on. Therefore, all shamanic healing sessions start with a confidential discussion, aided by my psychic gifts and connection with spirit guides, to establish how I can help you. During this discussion, it will become clear what we could focus upon during the remaining part of the session.

I may ask questions or offer invitations into different perspectives, diving deeply into root causes or underlying patterns. I may also offer guidance or messages from spirit. This part of the shamanic healing session can be powerfully healing in and of itself, providing valuable messages and insights. As such I also offer a deeper version of this within regular mentoring sessions (see below for more details).

Once we have established what would be best for us to work on during the session, I usually offer to guide you on a shamanic journey for a specific purpose, relevant to our discussion. Shamanic journeying is a useful tool to enable you to work deeply within your psyche, for instance to uncover blocks, heal relationships and meet with spirit guides.

During every shamanic healing session I journey into the spirit realm on your behalf. I work with your spirit body and your spirit guides to gain clarity on the issues you may be struggling with, for instance the health of your soul and whether your soul is fully within your body. I will usually also work on a specific purpose, relevant to the intention of the session, as discussed at the beginning of the session.

At the end of my journey I will work with your spirit body to ensure that the work is embodied within your physical body. If in person, this will be accompanied by energy healing. I will share my journey with you and may offer guidance and practices you can work with following the session to aid the integration of the work we have done together.

After the session

At the end of a shamanic healing session, I would advise time alone to process and integrate the session, ideally outdoors. It may take a few days or sometimes weeks for the work to fully integrate but usually you will feel different following a shamanic healing session, sometimes powerfully so. You may well feel tired for a few days and sometimes you may be left with a lot to process. However in most cases people feel more energised and positive following a shamanic healing session.

I often suggest working with specific techniques following a shamanic healing session, which you would find beneficial. Also I usually offer follow-up support a week or so after the session, irrespective of whether you wish to see me for another session. This is to ensure that the work we have done continues to integrate and gives you the opportunity to ask me any questions or for further guidance.

Some of the areas we may choose to focus on are detailed below. To book a session, click on the image below for various options, or get in touch by email: samara@rewildingthesoul.org

TO Book

Click on the image to see what I offer, and for details about price & my availability

The following information forms a guide to what I may offer you and I may well offer a mixture of some of these techniques or something different..

Shamanic guidance and reading 

I have been giving psychic readings for people for almost 30 years. Over time these have become deep exploratory life path readings, offering healing and guidance rather than focusing solely upon future events. As future events can be changed by your actions, far greater benefit can be taken in understanding what actions you can take to create the future you desire and to avoid certain pitfalls along the way.

Spirit animal connection

Animal spirit guides are protectors of the soul and humans benefit from their assistance even if they are not aware of their presence. Often a particular animal may appear as a guide or an omen, yet many people have forgotten the shamanic meanings of animals and sometimes a spirit animal can leave, much like when a soul part departs. When you journey to reconnect with a spirit animal, or meet a new one, this can be experienced like a soul retrieval, where you become more complete and whole. After the connection to the spirit animal has been made, I teach you how to maintain the connection over time and how to speak with the animal and gain guidance when needed. I may also suggest journeys to connect with other spirit guides, including plants and nature spirits.

Shamanic cleanse, realignment & extraction of harmful energies

In our day to day lives we can often find ourselves walking amongst many people, visiting unusual places and having extraordinary experiences. It amazes me how much we put ourselves through and how little we seem to process what we have experienced. However, it all takes its toll on us. A shamanic cleanse releases any harmful energies that may have become trapped in our etheric body. Sometimes these harmful energies can go deeper and can start to create more problems, often on the physical realm. When this happens the harmful energy takes on a form which needs to be removed individually, via a process known as extraction. I will carry out these processes during the time I spend journeying for you.

Soul retrieval

Commonly misunderstood to be singular, a human soul has many parts and these parts may become fragmented, going back to source. There are many reasons for soul-loss but they typically involve trauma. Many people experience soul loss at some point throughout their life and it can leave you feeling incomplete, often with a need to fill the void you feel in yourself, for instance via an addiction. A soul retrieval brings you back to yourself in an embodied way, reconnecting you with yourself. It can cure many ailments, including depression, and set you back on to the path of health and happiness. A soul retrieval can often be an immensely powerful experience and I offer on-going support afterwards.

Ancestral healing

It’s not just physical genetic traits that get passed down a family line but also the past trauma experienced by other family members. This can lead us to act out certain characteristics that stem directly from this unhealed trauma. We can repeat our ancestral history via our own experiences and conditioning as children. Whilst we can often inherit many positive traits from our family, it can be necessary to clear out the unprocessed negative characteristics from our distant family line. Each session of ancestral healing can aid one specific issue that you feel needs to be cleared. As well as tackling the problem, you gain deeper awareness and understanding of the ancestral patterns concerned. Often felt by other family members, ancestral healing can be incredibly powerful and set you free to live your own life free from these past influences.

Curse & entity removal

Curses and spells are not usually made intentionally against a person and we can even inadvertently curse ourselves by rigidly holding certain negative views about ourselves. Curses are often linked to ancestral trauma, though not exclusively so and, in much the same way, can prevent people from living their true potential. Entity removal concerns removing an unwanted spirit which has become attached to you and is more common & less horrific than usually understood. Both curse removal and entity removals can form part of another session, such as an extraction or a regression.

Challenging and removing unhelpful patterns and blocks

People often become stuck in patterns and cycles that can have a destructive impact upon their lives. Many people can be frustrated with these patterns, wanting to be free of them but often not aware of why they are there and why they repeat. It’s very common and can relate to childhood conditioning or unhealed trauma as well as past lives. We can work with techniques which take you back through your subconscious to the point where the block or pattern began, releasing the negative energy associated with it. It is often a very liberating experience to face the initial cause of the pattern or block and that in itself is often enough to clear it. It is not always appropriate however. At times, a past life becomes clear - the thread of an issue you have brought into this life for healing, or an ancestral memory. I offer ongoing support and mentoring to help you to work with unhelpful patterns and blocks, helping you on the road to freedom.

Ceremony & ritual

Individual rituals are powerful mechanisms for deeper personal healing. For instance, when something has ended in your life, such as a significant relationship, or when the time is right for something to be released, such as a deep wounding or behaviour pattern. Personal rituals can also benefit any kind of major transition in your life, such as moving house or getting married. Usually we will establish that this is the best way forward on your healing journey during an initial session and we will create a ritual together to take place at a later date.

Energetic cord cutting 

Relationships between people are very powerful and, on the etheric realm, influential cords or connections exist between the people involved in the relationship. Many of these cords are positive but often there are negative cords too; those which arise out of negative emotions such as jealousy and fear. Long after a relationship has gone, these cords can still exist and they can influence new relationships that a person forms, of a similar kind, in the future. Any kind of relationship can be affected - parents, siblings, friends, boss or employee as well as lovers - and negative cords between people can be very detrimental to those involved, leading in some cases to real control and a loss of freedom. Cord cutting simply removes the negative cords between two people, enabling the positive cords to remain. The sessions are incredibly powerful & have long lasting effects.

Land healing & space clearing

Sometimes the physical space that you occupy can contribute to your overall or specific dis-ease, which we may be working on. At such times, I will come and visit the space to carry out healing and I will also teach you how to continue the work yourself in the future. Land healing can involve removing negative energy or even harmful entities which inhabit the area. Sometimes the issues concern historical events which have not been healed. This typically involves something which happened to upset the nature spirits in the area but it could also involve human spirits. This can become an intricate detective story and can leave you gaining a much clearer understanding of your space and the spirits who are around. I can teach you how to work with them to create a more harmonious base for your home.